It is the mission of Project Youth Educational Services [Y.E.S.], Inc. to equip, engage, and empower youth to become leaders as they achieve excellence through community engagement.
The Project Y.E.S., Youth Educational Services team is excited that we are moving into our third year of existence. As we continue to expand our model and programs for youth throughout Metro Atlanta, we also aspire to continue growing relationships within the community. We hope that you will be able to take part in one or more of the many events that we are hosting throughout the year and experience firsthand the compassion and commitment we take in equipping, engaging, and empowering future leaders.
project y.e.s.
the recipient of April Strong in Excellence, a Project Y.E.S. Scholarship, is doing an outstanding job at Clark Atlanta University (CAU) in her Freshman year.
In the Fall of 2020, Miss Forney ran to be Freshman Class Representative on the Student Government Association during the 2020-2021 academic year. Miss Forney won and is serving her peers through leadership, engagement and setting goals to achieve. Miss Forney also joined several CAU Student Organizations including: Black is Gold, Elevate, National Council of Negro Women, Political Science Association, and Stocked Up.
Academically Miss Forney strives for the best, closing the fall semester out with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 4.0. Throughout the University’s break, Miss Forney volunteered on Tuesdays at Grace Baptist Church to help with the food distribution. When Miss Forney returned to CAU, virtually, she involved herself in additional campus activities. Miss Forney has been named Miss Leadership for Clark Atlanta University Chapter Organization, Breaking the Cycle, for the 2020-2021 year. In this role, Miss Forney exemplifies grace and poise through guidance and strength. As she continues to be placed in leadership roles, Miss Forney graciously gives all praise to God and thanks Him for His blessings and love that are always being sent down upon her.